
デリック・ローズは、アメリカ合衆国イリノイ州シカゴ出身のバスケットボール選手。NBAのデトロイト・ピストンズに所属している。出身大学はメンフィス大学。2008年のNBAドラフトで出身地のシカゴに本拠地を置くNBAチームのシカゴ・ブルズに全体1位指名で入団。 生年月日: 1988年10月4日
The only person that i can stop me is me.
All the days that you wake up, You got one job, and thats to get better every single day.
Courage is the key that turns dreams into a reality.
I can wait until i shock the doubters and prove I’m better and stronger than i was before.
My days shouldn’t be hard because I’m doing what i’m doing and thats playing basketball.
I think I work hard. I think dedicate myself to the game and sacrificed a lot of things at a young age. I know what i can get out of it if i continue to do good.
If I’m not trying my best, I might as well retire.
We got to win. Win no matter what. Trip, kick somebody, fight, bite whatever. Win.
My whole life has been nothing but trying to find a way to take care of my family as quickly as possible.
I believe that I’m special player. I think people love the way just try to play. I don’t try to impress anyone when I’m playing or anything. I just have a feel for the game.
All physical activity begins with the body’s core. I maintain the strength in my core so that i can jump,run,start, stop, and accelerate at the highest levels.