アンジェリーナ・ジョリー(Angelina Jolie, 出生名: Angelina Jolie Voight, 1975年6月4日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の女優、映画プロデューサー、ファッションモデル。日本での愛称は「アンジー」
I realized that happiness is a choice. You may be jealous of the people around you because of your happiness or feel bored with you, but you should still choose to be happy
There will be no suffering without pain. If you don't suffer, you will never learn from your mistakes. Pain and suffering are the keys to correcting things. There is no way to live without it.
Brave, bold, free
In the past, I was reckless, but I was not rebellious without cause
My husband (Brad Pitt) is so wonderful that sometimes I wonder why he's with me. I don't know if I'm great enough for him. But if I'm happy with him, that's what I want to be the most
Who cares what makes you foolish? I've never been scared of others
自分を馬鹿にして、一体だれが気にするの? 他人の見方を怖いと思ったことはないわ
I have never lived a life in which people are heard. I believe myself as a good person and a good mother. But it's not the world, but the kids.
(About my ovary removal surgery) I felt I was a woman. He settled on making choices for himself and his family. My kids don't have to say, "Mom died of ovarian cancer.
I was going to do this ovarian surgery soon. This oophorectomy is not as difficult as a mastectomy, but it has a significant effect on the body. This oophorectomy makes women climacteric
Now, my choice of work is very important, or very creative, bold and challenging. There is no middle
I guess all women experience periods when they hate themselves. It's great to get to where you are free from your concerns. I noticed that the weakness was attractive. Wounds are also attractive
Above all, it's blood that I love with my family. We enjoy parenting more than anything else and teach them about the world
When other girls wanted to be ballet dancers, I wanted to be rather vampires
Having a family can change your life altogether. You are completely living for someone else. This is the most surprising thing. Like giving your life to someone
It is impossible to eliminate all risks. In fact, I was susceptible to cancer, so I sought a natural way to boost my immunity
There is only one way to be happy! I learned that. That is to live every day as if it were my last day
Face yourself, live honestly and with all your might. I interpret it as "to live the moment"
I am very happy that the debate on women's health has expanded. That is irreplaceable for me. I am so grateful that I lost my mother for such a problem
The right thing is right. Correcting what is wrong. It is not a duty. I'm just happy
Fortunately, my life is so full now that I don't have to worry about work