アンジェリーナジョリー, 女優, 海外 | 言葉と人生 - パート 2


言葉と人生 アンジェリーナジョリー

The reason why I am writing this now is that I thought my experience would be helpful to other women. Cancer is a word that still scares people. A word that brings deep powerlessness. But the chances of getting breast or ovarian cancer today can be found in blood tests and addressed accordingly


I think the biggest element of beauty is being happy and surrounded by love and support. I’m happy when I live a fulfilling life, so that’s what it looks like


Knowing yourself well. And pursue your dreams with your own beliefs. It’s not good to be willing or suffering without changing your mind or saying anything just because someone tells you something. So I think self-esteem is more important than anything


If there is no pain, you will not suffer. We cannot learn from our mistakes. To correct mistakes, suffering pain is the key to opening windows. Without it, there is no way to live life


(Speaking as a message to women facing all kinds of difficulties) No matter what I say, their lives will be suddenly eased, but … help each other as women. Work together. And thank the man for help. That is very important


Happy days are always there, even if you lose or lose yourself. Until then, I want to take care of each day and live a risk-free lifestyle


When you get stubborn, you can be very open and find soft aspects through your children


I’m lucky to have a job I love and I’m really blessed to be supported by my children and my husband, Brad. It is a great honor to be able to do humanitarian activities


Fortunately, my life is so full now that I don’t have to worry about work


Over the past decade, they have traveled through conflict zones and formerly disputed lands, and what has happened while those living there actually lived in such situations, their humanistic I came to think about how my life was stripped off … I want to consider what it is and how my neighbors turn into enemies I thought


It’s my pleasure and duty to do things better


We’re telling the children (in terms of the life of being chased by paparazzi) that they’re just people who like to film the people in the film. That’s true. We say mom and dad aren’t special, they’re just filmmakers


Every bad thing is a personality, and the mistakes I make in my life are fascinating


Everyone is born innocent. However, I experience various events and lose good places. Nevertheless, with a certain opportunity, you will realize whether you can love a person or accept that love yourself. In my case, when I met my child. Yeah, I think many women find true love by meeting children


In my case, I think that thanks to activities outside of the actress business, I became much deeper than before


I think that raising children is a “big business” where I can hardly spend my time and spend a lot of energy, but for me the time I’m with my children is more like myself, and now I’m a former actress It’s no longer compared to the life of the times  


When I get up in the morning, first of all, my work as a mother starts, but my “motherhood” is always connected not only to my children but also to children from other countries.


I don’t think tears will be born, honestly, still


My mother is a “mother’s mirror” who raised me and my brother at the expense of everything, and I respect him as a human being. I want to be a mother who gives the children the generous affection like my mother, but no matter how hard I try, I’m sure my mother’s “maternity” won’t come true

私の母は、全てを犠牲にして私と兄を育てあげてくれた“母親の鏡”のような女性で、私は1人の人間として心から尊敬しているわ。 私も自分の母親と同じように子供達に惜しみない愛情を与える母親でありたいと思っているけれど、どんなに頑張ってもきっと私の母の“母性”には叶わないのではないかと思うわ

I love working as an actress and I think it’s a wonderful job that can bring a lot of excitement. But it’s just a small part of the world, and I think the ideals that have taken my life are in a different and deeper place


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