Artist 名言



ビヨンセ・ノウルズ・カーター、通称名ビヨンセは、アメリカ合衆国テキサス州ヒューストン出身のシンガーソングライター、ダンサー、音楽プロデューサー、女優。デスティニーズ・チャイルド初期からのメンバーで、グループではリードボーカル、プロデューサーも兼ねた。愛称は“B”、“Queen Bey”。身長170cm。


The biggest attraction women can get is confidence


I don't like gambling, but if I go one step and bet on something, it's myself


I think gender equality is important, but I have a happy marriage and I love my husband


I felt something was missing in my story, but I didn't know what it was. But after I had a child, I saw my diary and felt like I understood everything.


I think (male and female) should be equal, but it is still a long way to go. The problem is always pushed to the corner and we are used to accepting it


(Speaking of Lady Gaga) I opened my own destiny, thought out my costume myself, wrote my own song, thought up my choreography, controlled everything, and got people to think. It's really exciting to see people who are not


I love Gaga. Even though she does not perform and is not a singer, I love her to die as a human being. But in addition to being a performer singer, she is currently the most talented pop star and I am very happy with her


I think I'm Mrs. Carter. But you can be much more bold and fearless


I've always wanted to challenge things that upset my image. The world will be surprised, but I enjoy it very much


I want to be a legend, not a pop star


I think giving birth makes me more beautiful than ever. I didn't feel like I was connected this way and I never thought I was on this mission


(Part of a letter to him on Michael Jackson's anniversary) Michael Jackson changed me and helped me become an artist. Michael, thank you very much


The bravest and honest people in the world, my gay fans. Rather than living the life that parents and the public want, instead of trying to live honestly with your feelings and your true form, you may sometimes face strong resistance. It's not normal to go through yourself.


Important thing for me. It's about kids. I can't imagine any other way


My husband will also change diapers. Absolutely. I'll be a dad who doesn't leave it to anyone. What I have said before. Love is not about giving things. Love is about being there and doing things for children


To tell the truth, I sacrifice a lot. Maintaining proportions requires mental strength rather than physical strength. It's not about what kind of trainer you have or what kind of program you do, but what you need to be healthy and make the right choices every day.


Sometimes you have to accept good and bad things, sometimes you have to accept dangerous things to go to a safe place


When I finally die, it's more important to me to think that I'm a good person than to a talented or successful person


As I grew up, I learned that if one of the men and women in a relationship is not confident, the relationship will not work. Get to know yourself first and understand what you are looking for. Before you can spend time with someone, you need to spend time with yourself and be proud of yourself


Don't be afraid to show what you want, what you need, what you need, what you think, what your feelings are

自分が欲しいもの 自分が必要とするもの その思い その気持ち それを口に出すことを 行動で示すことを(=表現することを)恐れないで

I wanted to bring together a strong, talented, hungry and beautiful woman to form an all-girl band


Staying in one place is the same as not working. No human growth, no time. I always want to do something different. I want to challenge myself


I see music. Not only can I hear it as a sound, but when I feel something, I immediately see my emotions, childhood memories, my thoughts on life, visuals linked to dreams and fantasy. And it all leads to music


Everything you do returns to you. Good deeds return to you, bad deeds return to you


If you continue to be busy in time every day, you tend to lose track of yourself. I think it has become


I want you to overcome the painful memories, and want to be together when you are sad and happy. I want my song to bring joy


It was very risky to do it myself. Sometimes we don't want to be high and we are satisfied with what others have decided, but I don't aim for that


-Artist, 名言

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